If you currently own a property that is vacant, you should be aware that your insurance policy might not cover that vacant property after a certain number of days. Every insurance company has different rules and coverages, but the majority of the insurance companies have rules that will void your coverage if the property is left vacant. It is important… Read more »
It has happened to most drivers, we get pulled over and are given a ticket. The question though, is how is this going to affect me past paying this fine? We cannot answer to all the consequences if you were to get a ticket, but we can answer questions about tickets and your auto insurance. Hopefully you are just reading… Read more »
Starting a business is a mix of excitement, pride, and a touch of dread. You start thinking about all of the different aspects of business operations that you must have in place in order to run a successful company. One of those important pieces of your successful business puzzle is to make sure that the company you worked so hard… Read more »
Every year that you renew your insurance policy or when you quote out your insurance, you have an option that you may not have realized that you had. You can place your insurance with a Mutual Insurance company or a Stock Insurance company. The majority of Ontario citizens might not know the difference between the two types of insurance companies,… Read more »
It can be hard to understand the line between personal auto insurance and commercial auto insurance if you’re using your vehicle for your own business or for work. Personal auto insurance policies have specific exclusions for using vehicles on the policy for business use and that means if you were to get into an accident while using your vehicle for… Read more »
Heating our homes today has never been easier. We have various amounts of ways to heat our homes such as Natural Gas, Geothermal, Propane, Wood Burning Units, Radiant Heating, or even Baseboard Electric Heating to name just a few. With all of these options getting safer and safer as the years go by, it can be understandable to forget to… Read more »
This is a very common question when it comes to insurance. Most people realize there will be some sort of resulting impact for putting in a claim on their insurance policy. Whether it be a loss of a claims free discount or a rate change, there is usually some sort of cause and effect with putting in an insurance claim…. Read more »
Finding the right coverage to protect your large investments should be a priority for any business. Finding an insurance professional with the expertise to insure larger investments can make the difference between having future investments and having thoughts of what could have been. Experienced brokers will know that there is more to insuring a building than just the “bricks and… Read more »
It’s time to talk about Water and Sewer Lines. This is one area of our home that we take for granted. Updates to heating, your roof, gardens and the interior of your home are always on our minds. However, the water and sewer lines underground are often forgotten. Yet, when these lines aren’t working properly, it can cause major headaches. With all… Read more »
No one likes over paying for insurance, so when you see a deal that you think could be better, it’s pretty tempting to make that switch. The real question is, should you make that switch? Today we will try to break down the reasons why you should switch companies and also the reasons why you should stay with your current… Read more »