Co-insurance is a very important term when considering a new insurance policy. Most of the time you will encounter co-insurance on business policies, but it’s also possible to see co-insurance applied to personal insurance as well. Co-insurance is an often-misunderstood term and even some insurance professionals struggle with remembering the ins and outs of the clause. With this article we… Read more »
Ransomware attacks have grown in frequency over the last few years and these unique cyber-attacks are affecting businesses and individuals alike. These cyber-attacks can be targeted at a specific business, industry, or just random attacks to any computer that they can reach. Ransomware attacks can cause devastating damage to your computer systems and leave you without access to your computer… Read more »
Starting a business is a mix of excitement, pride, and a touch of dread. You start thinking about all of the different aspects of business operations that you must have in place in order to run a successful company. One of those important pieces of your successful business puzzle is to make sure that the company you worked so hard… Read more »
If you are a business owner who rents their current location, it may be in your best interest to review your lease agreement for any insurance related clauses that you or your broker may need to be aware of. Commercial building owners will have different clauses in their lease agreements and some of those clauses will greatly affect how you… Read more »
Cyber insurance is becoming the new buzz word in the insurance industry and its showing no signs of slowing down. Computers are targeted at businesses large and small every day. If you keep any customers personal information, employees information, e-commerce transactions, or hold any important data on your computers that a hacker could use; you may want to consider reading… Read more »
Business owners have a lot on their plates. Not only do they have to run their business, they also have to make sure that it is protected correctly in the event of a loss. There are a number of myths surrounding business insurance you should be aware of. Take look at some of the most common myths below to assist… Read more »
Have you ever wondered what Contractors Liability Insurance is? In short, it is a specific coverage to protect contractors from the risk of financial obligations imposed by lawsuits and similar claims. Since contractors often work on many different projects, this type of insurance follows them while working at different sites. Why is Contractors Liability Insurance so important? Accidents happen, and… Read more »
At this point the majority of the leaves have fallen, and an icy frost is appearing on the grass and pavement in the morning. For most this is a sign that winter is around the corner, but for your insurance broker this warns of the increased risk to your commercial business. Not to worry, you can protect your commercial business… Read more »