Category Archives: Elliott Insurance

Coronavirus (COVID-19) Update


Updated on June 25, 2020 We wanted to let everyone know how Elliott Insurance Services is handling the global pandemic for our offices, employees, and loyal clients. We have contingency plans in place for how we will respond to the outbreak if it progresses further. We are asking that clients limit their visits to our offices if there are other… Read more »

We’re at it again…

Just because we’re a 100 year old company, doesn’t mean we can’t innovate.  With this in mind, we’ve launched a sister company that focuses on insurance for Contractors and Trades and we wanted to be sure our long time valued clients knew. Contractors and Tradespeople are integral to our society.  They build our homes and businesses.  They create and maintain… Read more »

Welcome to the Elliott Insurance Blog!


Insurance can be confusing to say the least. It can also be extremely interesting and help people avoid financial disaster. The purpose of this blog will be to highlight some interesting features of insurance, offer some generic suggestions, and hopefully unravel a bit of the complexity surrounding insurance. If nothing else, it should provide a few tips to help you… Read more »