Category Archives: Farm Insurance

Property in Storage Insurance Coverage

Property in Storage Coverage

There will most likely be a time in your life where you need to put some or all of your personal contents into a storage facility.  Everyone will have their own unique reasons as to why they need to temporarily put their belongings into storage, but the need to keep insurance coverage on your belongings will always be an important… Read more »

Sump Pumps and Home Insurance

Sump Pumps and Home Insurance

In the insurance world you will hear the phrase “water is the new fire” a lot. The reason for this is that while the leading cause of property insurance claims used to be for fire, now that distinction is going towards water damage claims. Water damage is very costly to clean up as it must be done correctly to avoid… Read more »

What is a Mutual Insurance Company?

Mutual Insurance Company

Every year that you renew your insurance policy or when you quote out your insurance, you have an option that you may not have realized that you had. You can place your insurance with a Mutual Insurance company or a Stock Insurance company. The majority of Ontario citizens might not know the difference between the two types of insurance companies,… Read more »

Wood Stoves or Fireplaces & Home Insurance

Fireplace & Home Insurance

Heating our homes today has never been easier. We have various amounts of ways to heat our homes such as Natural Gas, Geothermal, Propane, Wood Burning Units, Radiant Heating, or even Baseboard Electric Heating to name just a few. With all of these options getting safer and safer as the years go by, it can be understandable to forget to… Read more »

Is it Worth Putting in a Claim?

House Fire - Insurance Claim

This is a very common question when it comes to insurance. Most people realize there will be some sort of resulting impact for putting in a claim on their insurance policy. Whether it be a loss of a claims free discount or a rate change, there is usually some sort of cause and effect with putting in an insurance claim…. Read more »

Should I Switch Insurance Companies?

Should I Switch Insurance Companies

No one likes over paying for insurance, so when you see a deal that you think could be better, it’s pretty tempting to make that switch. The real question is, should you make that switch? Today we will try to break down the reasons why you should switch companies and also the reasons why you should stay with your current… Read more »

Oil Tanks and Home Insurance

Insure your home with oil heating

You’ve been searching for your dream home for months if not years and you have finally found that beautiful home in the country that you have always wanted. There is only one problem, it has an oil tank and your current provider won’t write the insurance for the home. These type of scenarios happen to people all of the time…. Read more »

How Do I Insure My Hobby Farm?

Hobby Farm Insurance

The quick and easy answer on how to insure your hobby farm is to call Elliott Insurance Services. If you want to learn more about insuring your hobby farm today, than continue to read this article to find out why it’s important to insure your hobby farm correctly, and to also find the possible gaps in coverage that your regular… Read more »