Often the minimal cost of tenants insurance can be offset by discounts for having a multi-policy discount on your auto insurance. Tenants packages are not very expensive and can be as low as $25 a month. If you get a discount on your auto policy for having the policies with the same insurance company, it could work out that the savings are almost as much as the entire tenants package.
Having an insurance history is very important to the insurance companies when they consider offering you home insurance. Having a tenants package while you are renting will build an insurance history for home insurance if you do decide to buy a home in the future. Some insurance companies will not offer their best house insurance packages to people who have never had prior home insurance, but they do consider tenants insurance as prior home insurance. Start building your insurance history now in order to save later.
There has never been a more convenient and easy time to buy insurance as there is today. There are insurance brokers, agents, direct writers and online only companies. With so many choices out there, what are the benefits to having an insurance broker in today’s world? We are obviously a little bias when it comes to this topic, but if… Read more »
Let’s face it, everything is more expensive now, and that includes your house insurance. Even your brokers and agents feel the pressure of higher insurance premiums. When making your budgets this year, consider these money saving tips on your policies. Multi-Policy/Combined Discounts Soft Credit Check Higher Deductibles Home Updates Discounts (alarm, backup generator, non-smoker, etc) Correct 911 Address Home Details… Read more »
Home insurance was first introduced in order to protect homeowners against fire. In fact, the beginning of fire insurance can be traced to London, England in 1666 when a fire broke out, destroying nearly the entire city. Over time, policies have evolved to include additional coverages for things such as wind damage, theft, etc. We are now on the verge… Read more »
With snow melting and April showers, we run the risk of water entering our homes. Water damage can be messy, expensive, and may not be covered by your insurance. With spring around the corner, we thought we would provide a few helpful tips for both inside and outside your house to help protect it against expensive water damage. Inside your… Read more »
Many Canadians look forward to winter. Not only does it mean skiing, skating and snowmobiling, but it often means winter vacation. Whether you’re headed south, or to a destination ski vacation, there is one very important item which may void coverage on your homeowners, tenants or condo insurance. Even though every company offers their own specific wordings, the intent of… Read more »
One aspect of insurance you don’t hear on the radio or see on the TV is the renters/tenants packages. They’re not as glorified, but just as important as homeowners insurance policies. When you rent an apartment, or a house, it is not just your contents insurance you need to think of. The often overlooked aspect of tenants insurance is the… Read more »