Home insurance policies don’t cover absolutely everything. The majority of home insurance policies are hopefully written on a comprehensive form that covers everything except what is specifically excluded, but you may not know about some of those exclusions. We have compiled a list of extra endorsements that you may want to consider adding to your existing policy. In addition to… Read more »
If your building or landlord requires tenants insurance, then yes you will need tenant insurance. If your building or landlord does not require insurance, it is still in your best long-term interest to get tenants insurance.
One aspect of insurance you don’t hear on the radio or see on the TV is the renters/tenants packages. They’re not as glorified, but just as important as homeowners insurance policies. When you rent an apartment, or a house, it is not just your contents insurance you need to think of. The often overlooked aspect of tenants insurance is the… Read more »
Everyone knows that you must purchase auto insurance to drive on the roads legally, but I’ll let you in on a secret – there is no law in Ontario saying you have to purchase home insurance. So why do we buy home insurance? Well, if you have a mortgage the bank will likely require some sort of insurance to protect… Read more »