Tag Archives: liability

Common Missing Coverage on Home Insurance Policies

Common Missing Coverage on Home Insurance Policies

Home insurance policies don’t cover absolutely everything. The majority of home insurance policies are hopefully written on a comprehensive form that covers everything except what is specifically excluded, but you may not know about some of those exclusions. We have compiled a list of extra endorsements that you may want to consider adding to your existing policy. In addition to… Read more »

How Renters Insurance Could Save You Money


One aspect of insurance you don’t hear on the radio or see on the TV is the renters/tenants packages. They’re not as glorified, but just as important as homeowners insurance policies. When you rent an apartment, or a house, it is not just your contents insurance you need to think of. The often overlooked aspect of tenants insurance is the… Read more »

Why you don’t have to purchase home Insurance

Tree falling on house - Home Insurance

Everyone knows that you must purchase auto insurance to drive on the roads legally, but I’ll let you in on a secret – there is no law in Ontario saying you have to purchase home insurance. So why do we buy home insurance?  Well, if you have a mortgage the bank will likely require some sort of insurance to protect… Read more »