Tag Archives: Accident Prevention

Protect Your Home Against Water Damage


With snow melting and April showers, we run the risk of water entering our homes. Water damage can be messy, expensive, and may not be covered by your insurance.  With spring around the corner, we thought we would provide a few helpful tips for both inside and outside your house to help protect it against expensive water damage. Inside your… Read more »

Winter is Coming – Make sure your business is ready


At this point the majority of the leaves have fallen, and an icy frost is appearing on the grass and pavement in the morning.  For most this is a sign that winter is around the corner, but for your insurance broker this warns of the increased risk to your commercial business.  Not to worry, you can protect your commercial business… Read more »

Winter is Coming – Make sure your home is ready


The air is getting colder and the leaves are changing colour.  Before we know it they will be falling from the trees, clogging eaves troughs and causing damage to your home.  Have no fear, you can still enjoy the fall weather and save your home from winter damage by completing some of these simple home maintenance tasks every year before winter…. Read more »

Winter is coming – Make sure your car is ready


Fall is here and it is time to think about the colder weather.  It is a great time to check over your cars and trucks to make sure they are ready for the change in the weather.  There are a lot of small maintenance items people tend to overlook when it comes to their automobiles. In some cases, simple car… Read more »