All insurance policies come with exclusions. It is important to realize that your insurance will exclude certain events and if those events happen, you will not have your insurance coverage to rely on. That can be a scary thing to learn after you have suffered a loss. Our aim with this page is to make sure people are aware of the exclusions on their policies. Every policy is different, so please make sure you use this information as advice, and call your broker to get information on your specific insurance policy.
Historically insurance has been there to cover your large assets such as your home, vehicles, or business. Most insurance policies will exclude coverage for your appliances, air conditioner, or furnace if they were to just simply break down. There are new insurance packages or endorsements that are starting to hit that market that will cover those gaps in your insurance…. Read more »
Liability coverage is built into most insurance policies from personal auto to big commercial policies. The only catch is that most of these liability coverages have exclusions that make it necessary to make sure you are still covered when you think you are. Within this article we are going to be looking at the very wide world of liability insurance… Read more »
Home insurance was first introduced in order to protect homeowners against fire. In fact, the beginning of fire insurance can be traced to London, England in 1666 when a fire broke out, destroying nearly the entire city. Over time, policies have evolved to include additional coverages for things such as wind damage, theft, etc. We are now on the verge… Read more »
Many Canadians look forward to winter. Not only does it mean skiing, skating and snowmobiling, but it often means winter vacation. Whether you’re headed south, or to a destination ski vacation, there is one very important item which may void coverage on your homeowners, tenants or condo insurance. Even though every company offers their own specific wordings, the intent of… Read more »
Since we’re half way through boating season, we thought it was time to sound an alert on boat insurance. There are many ways to insure your Sailboat, Yacht, or Cruiser. You can add them to your homeowners policy (not suggested ), or you can search out a specialty insurer which focuses on insuring boats. Insuring your Sailboat, Yacht or Cruiser… Read more »