Accident benefits are built into every Ontario automobile insurance policy. These are benefits that you or other insured persons may receive if injured or even killed in an auto accident. These benefits may include coverages such as: income replacement; medical, rehabilitation and attendant care; funeral and death expenses. You can also buy up the limits on these benefits or buy additional accident benefits.
Below are more articles about accident benefits or directly mention accident benefits in them.
No one likes over paying for insurance, so when you see a deal that you think could be better, it’s pretty tempting to make that switch. The real question is, should you make that switch? Today we will try to break down the reasons why you should switch companies and also the reasons why you should stay with your current… Read more »
You have most likely heard on the radio or even on the TV about the changes to the accident benefits on your Ontario auto insurance policy. The changes took place in June 2016 for all auto insurance policies in Ontario. Your own broker might have even sat you down and talked to you about buying up the accident benefit limits…. Read more »
Many insurance companies are now requiring that their insureds (customers) who want to remove coverage on their vehicle for an extended period of time, apply an OPCF 16 (Suspension of Coverage) endorsement to their vehicle. It may sound confusing at first glance, but this change is a benefit to you. What is an OPCF 16 Endorsement? The OPCF 16 endorsement… Read more »