Your tenants insurance coverage includes Personal Liability coverage at an amount that you choose. Liability coverage protects you in the event that a third party takes legal action against you. Most people realize this covers them if a guest hurts themselves on your property and sues you, but people are often surprised to realize that some policies will offer liability coverage that protects you from liability claims occurring anywhere in the world. Liability protection for the whole family isn't just a good idea, it's critical to have even if you are a renter.
People will often consider their liability exposure to be too small to warrant purchasing tenants insurance for their rented dwelling, but the truth is that you are opened to a lot of liability exposures by just being a renter. If you cause a fire or damage to the property you are renting, the building owner or their insurance company could try to recoup their lost funds from the person responsible for creating the loss. Mistakes happen and we have all left a stove burner on or maybe left a hair straightener plugged in. If these forgetful moments were to cause a fire, even by accident, you could be held liabile for the damage caused. If you do not have insurance coverage, you will be stuck with a rather large bill and very few options. Make sure you family is protected and live with a little less worries by obtaining coverage today.