Often the minimal cost of tenants insurance can be offset by discounts for having a multi-policy discount on your auto insurance. Tenants packages are not very expensive and can be as low as $25 a month. If you get a discount on your auto policy for having the policies with the same insurance company, it could work out that the savings are almost as much as the entire tenants package.
Having an insurance history is very important to the insurance companies when they consider offering you home insurance. Having a tenants package while you are renting will build an insurance history for home insurance if you do decide to buy a home in the future. Some insurance companies will not offer their best house insurance packages to people who have never had prior home insurance, but they do consider tenants insurance as prior home insurance. Start building your insurance history now in order to save later.
Anyone that has had a property insurance claim can agree that it can be a very stressful time, whether the claim was caused by fire, water, theft, or another covered loss on your policy. While our goal as Insurance Brokers is to make the process as smooth as possible, there are proactive steps you can take to aid in ease… Read more »
If your building or landlord requires tenants insurance, then yes you will need tenant insurance. If your building or landlord does not require insurance, it is still in your best long-term interest to get tenants insurance.
Whether you have art as an investment, to simply enjoy, or both; you will want to confirm that you are insuring your artwork correctly. If you put investment into something, you will want to protect that investment as much as possible and your artwork should be no different. Insuring your artwork can be a bit confusing at times. If you… Read more »
Your home or condo insurance policy will most likely cover some of your jewellery, but a lot of people are unaware that there are special limits that will limit the amount paid by the insurance company if you had a claim. Depending on the insurance company, sometimes those limits are as low as $3,000 for all your jewellery combined. Some… Read more »
Every year that you renew your insurance policy or when you quote out your insurance, you have an option that you may not have realized that you had. You can place your insurance with a Mutual Insurance company or a Stock Insurance company. The majority of Ontario citizens might not know the difference between the two types of insurance companies,… Read more »
This is a very common question when it comes to insurance. Most people realize there will be some sort of resulting impact for putting in a claim on their insurance policy. Whether it be a loss of a claims free discount or a rate change, there is usually some sort of cause and effect with putting in an insurance claim…. Read more »
Every day through some form of advertisement you most likely hear an advert for an insurance company bragging that they can either save you money or they give you the impression that only that insurance company can offer a certain coverage or discount. The truth is, not only can brokers also offer these services, but they also offer more services… Read more »
Liability coverage is built into most insurance policies from personal auto to big commercial policies. The only catch is that most of these liability coverages have exclusions that make it necessary to make sure you are still covered when you think you are. Within this article we are going to be looking at the very wide world of liability insurance… Read more »
If you have an insurance claim on your home or have property damage in urgent need of clean up and repair, you will most likely be looking for a local restoration company. Restoration companies work in all sorts of conditions from fire damage to water damage, or mold and asbestos removal. Insurance companies rely on restoration companies’ expertise and fast… Read more »
“Special limits” is a fancy term to indicate that there are limits or caps put on certain contents in your home insurance policy in the event of an insurance claim. Not knowing which limits could affect you could be devastating to your way of life if you ever experience a claim on your home, tenants, or condo insurance policy. Unfortunately,… Read more »