Water Leak Detection Alarms and Insurance

water leak

Everyone loves to save money on their home insurance, so we thought we would share how you could save money on your insurance and protect your home from damage at the same time.

Quite a few insurance companies now offer discounts if you have a water leak detection alarm installed in your home or condo. Keep reading to find out what a water leak detection alarm is and how it could save you money on your home insurance.

What is a Water Leak Detection Alarm?

These leak detection alarms come in various sizes, capabilities, and installation methods. They all will do the same basic job, detect water, and notify you.

You can install a water leak alarm right onto your plumbing that will not only detect a leak, but it will also shut off your water supply to avoid further damage, and it will even send you a message on your cell phone (text, push notification, or email).

Another alarm system might just simply sit on the floor in your utility room or laundry room. These alarms usually detect water that it has come into contact with, and it will notify the owners through their cellphones (text, push notification, or email), or it will sound an alarm similar to a smoke detector.

Why Do Some Insurance Companies Have Discounts if I Own a Water Leak Detector?

Your insurance company sees these water leak alarms as a safety measure that will limit the amount of damage to the property in the event of a water leak. That means that the quicker you know about the water leak, the less damage there is to your home. The less damage to your home, the lower your insurance claim payout will be.

These detectors are going to save the insurance company money and it will save you money on premiums or possibly not having to submit a claim at all.

Are There Requirements for Which Alarm to Install?

Yes and no. Every insurance company has different rules for their discount if they even offer the discount at all. It is always best to get your insurance broker to investigate your insurance companies rules to find out what alarms will qualify for their discount before purchasing or installing an alarm.

The majority of the companies appear to be requiring that the alarm is centrally monitored and has an automatic shutoff valve. There are companies that offer a discount for having a “mobile monitored” alarm (alert that goes to your cellphone).

Due to the different rules and requirements, if you are buying the alarm solely for the insurance premium savings, you should absolutely check with your broker first. If you are buying the alarm to prevent damage to your home, installing an alarm that has an automatic shutoff valve is going to be an ideal choice.